Open J Psychiatry Allied Sci. 2018;9:166-9. doi: 10.5958/2394-2061.2018.00026.5. Epub 2017 Dec 23.

Disclosure of sexual orientation: case series depicting parental response.

Das BS.


Parent-child relationship is an eternal bond of love, security, and closeness. In the course of family life, certain issues have profound impact and one of it is, if the child is homosexual. The disclosure process is not as simple as it sounds, as it involves intra-psychic as well as social identity. The present study focused on coming out process of gay individuals, reasons for disclosure, and the attitude and reaction of parents on disclosure of their sexual orientation. Drawing from the data generated by in-depth interview with five gay people in Assam, India, the case series illustrates differences in parental attitudes. Results indicated a difference in attitude from non-acceptance to acceptance and a more positive relationship with mothers as compared to fathers.


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