Open J Psychiatry Allied Sci. 2017;9:73-4. doi: 10.5958/2394-2061.2018.00014.9. Epub 2017 Sep 21.
Childhood night terrors and sleepwalking: diagnosis and treatment.
Gedam SR, Patil PS, Shivji IA.
Night terrors and sleepwalking are arousal disorders that occur during the first third of night. Combined existence of sleep disorders are rare phenomenon and found to be associated with behavioural and emotional problems. It becomes difficult to diagnose among sleep disorders and epilepsy is an important differential diagnosis. Management with combined approach of pharmacotherapy and psychological counselling is safe and effective. Here, we present a case of night terrors and sleepwalking to highlight the importance of diagnosis and treatment in this condition. To conclude, all medical professionals need to be aware of different parasomnias and its treatment options.
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