Reviewer Guidelines
We in the Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (OJPAS®) are for giving liberty to the reviewers to review the manuscripts according to their own styles. This is in line with the ‘out of the box’ lateral thinking that we promote in the journal. About the Journal also says: “New ideas come from fresh minds before they are bogged down by conventional thinking. In the journal, we plan to tap those materials, ideas, and discussions.”
So, reviewer’s own style of reviewing the manuscript is welcome. Having said so, covering the following points in the ‘reviewer comments’ is welcome.
Comments on: relevancy of the study, appropriateness of methodology including statistical analysis, presentation of results including tables and figures, discussion including limitations and implications.
Moreover, any other specific comments in short, highlighting the texts in the manuscript that require revision, can be informative to the authors.
Opinion on: reject/revision/accept.
A robust and ethical process of peer-review is what we are committed to ensuring. Before completion of the review, kindly read the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines for peer reviewers.

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