Open J Psychiatry Allied Sci. 2018;9:92-7. doi: 10.5958/2394-2061.2018.00029.0. Epub 2018 Jan 22.

An overview of obsessive compulsive disorder and suicidal behaviour.

Singh H, Kashyap S, Sivakanthan A.


Suicide is a major cause of mortality among patients with psychiatric illnesses. Most common cause of suicidal behaviour is affective and psychotic disorders. Very few studies had looked into the suicidal behaviour among patients with anxiety and related obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD). Patients with OCD are susceptible for suicidal behaviour if they have underlying comorbid depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, or personality traits. Current paper highlights the prevalence and clinical correlates of suicidal behaviour among patients with OCD. Future studies are required to look into the role of various other associated contributing factors for suicidal behaviour such as gender, family and past history of suicidal behaviour, duration of untreated OCD, various symptom dimensions of OCD, personality traits, and the presence of other comorbid disorders among patients with OCD. Hence, a comprehensive management plan is required for OCD patients while assessing for suicidal behaviour.


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