Open J Psychiatry Allied Sci. 2019;10:132-8. doi: 10.5958/2394-2061.2019.00029.6. Epub 2019 Feb 18.
Study of smartphone addiction: prevalence, pattern of use, and personality dimensions among medical students from rural region of central India.
Jain P, Gedam SR, Patil PS.
Introduction: Smartphone use among adolescents has increased dramatically in the last decade which results in a new condition called as smartphone addiction. Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of smartphone addiction, to understand its pattern of use, and to determine association of smartphone addiction with pattern of use and personality dimensions among medical students. Methodology: A total 146 out of 150 medical students participated from Sawangi, district Wardha, Maharashtra, India. Data collection was done using sociodemographic proforma, smartphone addiction scale, and dimensional personality inventory. Results: Mean age of the students was 18.50 (±0.80) years. The prevalence of smartphone addiction was found to be 24.65% with high risk of addiction being 7.53% and 17.12% among males and females respectively. The smartphone addiction was associated with smartphone use duration on a typical day, frequency of use, and most personally relevant smartphone function (p<0.05). The personality dimensions, such as assertive-submissive, depressive-nondepressive, and emotional instability-emotional stability also had significant association with smartphone addiction (p<0.05); and these dimensions were also found to be predictors along with duration of use on multivariate analysis. Conclusion: This study identified the association between smartphone use pattern, personality dimensions, and smartphone addiction among medical undergraduates. It is advised further studies should be conducted to understand the different variables and appropriate measures should be taken to prevent harmful use and to create awareness among students.

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